Liano Wall Faced Close Coupled Cistern

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  • p810827W BK Image HeroImage 149484 ori 1772px 1772px 2015Sep24114516
  • 810827W BK Image HeroImage 149484 ori 1772px 1772px 2015Sep24114516
  • 810827W BK Image TechnicalImage 149484 ori 1772px 1772px 2015Mar31174052

Liano Wall Faced Close Coupled Cistern

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Liano products offer the ideal combination of contemporary style and seamless functionality, making them the perfect addition to any bathroom. Boasting sharp, symmetrical lines and dependability, the Liano range is available in both Wall Faced and Concealed variants.

  • To achieve a WELS 4 star rating this cistern should be installed with the Liano WFCC pan
  • Back entry
  • VC cistern
  • Round, chrome button assembly
  • Seat sold separately


Product Type Close Coupled
WELS STAR RATING AND FLOW RATE WELS 4 Star Rated, 4.5L/3L (3.5L Average Flus


810828W Liano Cleanflush® Close Coupled Cistern $646.00*