Caravelle Close Coupled Pan

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  • 609400W BK Image HeroImage 4265 ori 2048px 2048px 2014May13133142
  • p609400W BK Image HeroImage 4265 ori 2048px 2048px 2014May13133142
  • 609400W BK Image TechnicalImage Caroma Caravelle 2000 CC Pan PBLD

Caravelle Close Coupled Pan

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The Caravelle Smartflush® pan boasts a classic, uncomplicated design with easy to clean rounded contours. This pan achieves a 4 star water efficiency rating when matched with the Caroma Caravelle Smartflush® cistern.

  • Close coupled style
  • S available only
  • Couples to the Caroma Caravelle cistern ONLY
  • No seat included, Caravelle 2000 Recommended
  • Vitreous china, white or ivory
  • 4.5/3L Smartflush pan with a WELS 4 star rating


Product Type Close Coupled
WELS STAR RATING AND FLOW RATE WELS 4 Star Rated, 4.5L/3L (3.5L Average Flus


609400W Caravelle Close Coupled S Trap Pan $779.52*