Lead Free Tapware

Lead Free Tapware

The NCC 2022 Volume Three, Clause A5G4(2) specifies that from 1 May 2026, lead free tapware will become mandatory at point of installation in Australia. The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) has advised that Products which contain copper alloys and are intended for use in contact with drinking water will be required to have a weighted average lead content of not more than 0.25 percent. This includes tapware, tap spare parts and accessories, plumbing fittings, meters and valves.

“From 1 May 2026, only product WaterMark certified as conforming to the Lead Free requirements of NCC Volume Three, where required, will be authorised for use in plumbing installations. Products that do not conform to the Lead Free requirements will no longer have valid certification and will not be authorised for use in contact with drinking water.” ABCB 2023

The ABCB has provided the industry 3 years to complete the transition due to the extensive work involved for manufactures and suppliers. To support the transition, four of our top selling tapware ranges have commenced the transition already and meet lead free requirement. These products still feature the superb performance and build quality that you expect from Caroma, constructed with lead free brass. Non-Lead free versions of these collections are still available however the run out has commenced. So, to ensure continuity of supply we recommend nominating “Lead Free” when calling up these products in the specification.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the standard for tapware changing?

The Australian Building Codes Board have reviewed studies in Australia and overseas that demonstrate the long term health benefits of using lead free plumbing products. Some European countries and North America have already made this transition.

Where can I find more information on this change?

Please visit Australian Building Codes Board | ABCB for more information. An advice guide from the ABCB is available here.

What ranges of tapware will be impacted by this change?

Under the 2022 National Construction Code, this new standard will impact any plumbing product that contains copper alloy and is in contact with drinking water.

What tapware ranges is Caroma changing to lead free?

We are converting all our tapware collections over to Lead Free Brass progressively as their stock levels run down. We have commenced this transition with 4 of our most popular collections. These 4 collections are fully available in a Lead Free options.

  • Caroma Liano II
  • Caroma Urbane II
  • Caroma Opal
  • Caroma Care Plus

These new, lead free products are now available for specification and ordering from merchant partners. Please contact your preferred merchant partner to see if they stock Caroma lead free tapware.

The next transition of Collections from February 2024 include:

  • Caroma Luna
  • Caroma Elegance
  • Caroma G Series+
  • Caroma Pin
  • Clark tapware

This will be closely followed by the remaining tapware collections.

Please note that all existing tapware available in these ranges, continues to meet current Australian standards and can continue to be specified and installed.

How can I identify lead free tapware?

Lead Free compliant tapware will be issued with a new Watermark Logo that will be printed on product packaged and laser etched onto the surface of the product for easy identification. The Logo consists of the traditional WaterMark “W” along with the term “LEAD FREE” underneath.

Caroma lead free tapware, includes a product code that ends with the letter “F”, denoting their lead free status. Product names and descriptions will also feature “LF”. Details of this will be displayed on packaging (featuring an LL sticker) and on digital platforms, advising that the product has been engineered and constructed with lead free brass.

When will all Caroma tapware meet this Lead Free criteria?

All impacted Caroma products that come into contact with drinking water will be certified Lead Free by 1 May 2026, however, we will continue to evolve all our tapware collections ahead of this deadline. Be sure to bookmark Specify for our latest products and lead free tapware ranges.

  • Urbane II
  • Liano II
  • Opal
  • Care Plus


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