CASE STUDY | medium density residential

Uno Apartments - Adelaide SA

Uno Apartments - Adelaide SA

CASE STUDY | medium density residential

Uno Apartments - Adelaide SA

Architect: Greenways Architects

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This innovative, multi-level residential building in central Adelaide is fitted with water and energy efficient fixtures and fittings by GWA Bathrooms & Kitchens, in partnership with DFC/Housing. Located at 102 Waymouth Street, the building consists of 146 apartments for Housing SA and 30 youth service apartments.


The development aims to combine contemporary design with environmental efficiencies, thereby raising the standard for integrated social housing and affordable inner city living. It offers a mix of apartment types, with some apartments for sale as part of the South Australian Affordable Houses Program and other, more premium options available for established buyers and investors. GWA Bathrooms & Kitchens were chosen to meet the needs of all markets. Ecological sustainability was also a key factor in the building’s design, with the aim to achieve a 6-Star Energy Rating.


A full schedule of fittings were installed, these included a range of toilet suites, basins, showers, baths, tapware and kitchen sinks. Specialised items for the elderly and those with disabilities were also installed, where required. Products included:

• Caroma Profile Close-Coupled Toilet suite 
• Caroma Metro Wall Faced Suite 
• Caroma Cosmo Care Toilet Suite 
• Caroma Cube 320 Basin 
• Caroma Cosmo Semi Recessed Basin 
• Caroma Opal 720 Wall Basin 
• Dorf Nutra Shower Head 
• Clark Stainless Steel Sinks 
• Clark Tub and Cabinets

Mr Robin Gatti, State Sales Manager for Commercial Projects at GWA Bathrooms & Kitchens in South Australia said, "These products suit the building’s aesthetic and meet its practical and sustainable design needs perfectly."